Scarlett O’Hara….the name deemed so scandalous, is my icon …. the woman that I have idolized, ever since I read her. To me, she is pristine – no less than Melly, and I perceive she was more…..Scarlett was no hypocrite!
Society worshipped women so timid, that they’d smell into salts of feminism and let the world take its toll on her mates and siblings. Hail the virtuous….virtue defined in measures of her ability to hide behind the veils when world’s starved for her valor; so were the definitions of aristocratic fem.
Society worshipped women so timid, that they’d smell into salts of feminism and let the world take its toll on her mates and siblings. Hail the virtuous….virtue defined in measures of her ability to hide behind the veils when world’s starved for her valor; so were the definitions of aristocratic fem.
Scarlett, chose to step out of the “bounds” defined for her by the society, and said what she felt was right. Never hesitating to speak out the truth, she chose to admit her love for Ashley Wilkes; this is what I consider as virtue. Scarlett chose the less-trodden path, and hence was shunned. It was only Melanie, who, although considered virtuous by the society, could see what the real Scarlett was. Melly saw Scarlett the way I see her….brave, honest, and choosing to twist truth only to save Tara and her folks.
However, Scarlett could rarely realize the virtues that she possessed; she yearned to be like her mother ‘Ellen’, as graceful and pristine. One of her greatest fears was that “mother would be turning in her grave if she knows that I’ve done….”. Scarlett was a child at heart, young and restless, willing to take the reins of her life in her own hands, going to the greatest extents to keep her people protected under her beautiful wings, so lush and caring, yet so strong. She never wanted to go back to those dreadful days of poverty, without a morsel to feed the hundred mouths that gazed up to her, seeking support. She toiled in the fields, under the glaring sun, until her hands were so rough that Rhett could feel the scars when he touched her palms, once so beautiful and delicate. Talking of Scarlett how can I ever miss out on her beauty? With beautiful eyes of emerald, n an angelic face bordered by her wavy red locks, every feature spelt a mesmerizing mix of a grit of steel, sharp wit, and amazing grace. To me she’s been the most beautiful dame literature has ever defined. ‘Feline’ is what her beauty has been described as, sharp, charming, and beautiful. Scarlett O’Hara, to me, she’ll always be a beaut ideal. The perfect portrait a litterateur could ever paint; a portrait, parts of which I’d want to imbibe.
Hail thee....Scarlett!