Hehe….kaka’s brief post on how “Table for One” is a very very sad expression, kinda happened to me today. Well, with a wee bit of alteration in the taste of it. It wasn’t sad at all :)
In the morning, when I woke up, I felt no extra excitement. No big celebrations lined up for me! As usual, I was greeted by a desk loaded up with a crowing pile of work….most of which yelled out to me “attend to me today, my dear, it’s been my turn for sooo long now”. “Sure”, I said and rushed to get ready for work. I made myself my usual cup of steaming honey tea, spiced up with lemon n dried ginger, and sat at my desk to start with my emails. None…..Sir hadn’t replied, so no meetings today. As I was opening Orkut I took the st sip from my cup & as always, I burnt my tongue and cursed myself “Every Day!” Just then Banani’s scrap flashed in front of my eyes….”Happy Valentine’s Day Patru…from me n Punkoo”. “Oh Wow! It’s Valentine’s Day today…..the BIG Day of Looooove!” :D
I remembered Pk…..my friend from college who had been my V-Day companion during most of my grad n undergrad days. We would turn up for classes, but due to the extremely low attendance, the Profs would dissolve classes for the day. Hence, we’d start with “Oh No!” but then make an impromptu trip to some place. She’d be all “let’s go to some place close n safe", n I’d be all “Shut Up….we’ll make a day of this n go to some place awesome”. Needless to say….my plan won and we would end up making fabulous trips to old temples, deserted dams, etc, nibbling at village junks from dhabas, n road-side pan shops. All the while however, Pk would be excited about the amount of fun that we were having, but was damned scared about….. “if we get into any trouble, my parents will kill me” n the likes :) & I’d say….. “don’t worry….I’m Here; I’ll protect you”. Somehow she believed me….n I felt as if it was my duty to take care of her :D
‘Twas fun!
Today I remembered all of that n thought le’me have some fun. I also decided that at the end of the day, I’d pen it down in my journal or here…..so it must be Gooood fun :)
How’d I have fun? I find Ahmedabad a bit starved of places that are like sweet nothings that aren’t hyped, where there’s no need for pockets loaded with money; there are Malls and big fancy tourist spots. I didn’t feel like any of that. Kankaria Zoo? Naahh….
So I stepped out, bought a large bar of chocolate n kept munching on it for some time while I wondered about how to Treat myself to a V-Day dose of fun. ordered a small-sized pizza (yeah…for one), a Coke (unlike me) and watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S. …… again...about 3-5 episodes. Hehe…..then I made this piece of something on MS Paint and named it ‘Dreams’….with a hue for every feeling & emotion. Call'd up mom n dad to remind them of V-Day...so that they don't miss out on their share of fun for the day :)
I Didn’t study at all :p
I'm sure most of you would think...what was fun in this? But I enjoyed myself....it felt like treating myself to some goodies. Off Work.....phew :p
Maybe will work a bit now….. :D ..... or read something nice? fun is intoxicating & addictive :p
"God save me"....must get back on track....Today? :| tomorrow maybe :p