Finally I'm through with the hectic compre season, studded with miles 'n' miles of bits to study, n aeons spent in front of subjects I detest muggin'up, but have to....'coz this is what will draw me closer to the ultimate work I've been wanting to do for so long now :)
........... Research ~ on the field, that interests me most .............
Research: What of it?
To me, research starts everyday – in the little queries we have and the endeavours we make to quench them. Sometimes it’s as trivial n playful as wondering why the little bird comes and coo’s at my window sill everyday, or, why those little squirrels chirp so shrill n loud when they’ve managed to lay their puny hands on the best nuts they could spot. See? Research is fun! It’s like looking for the perfect answers to the most interesting questions we could imagine.
Well, the definition of the term research says that it’s a “systematic” endeavour, into satiating some kinda quest for knowledge. Ahh…..now the definition drains out all the fun….Damn!
But whoa…..let not silly dictionaries swivel our foci!
Ever since I got over with the muggin’ portions of our ‘compre’, I, for the first time was granted the official n unofficial luxury of embedding myself full-fledgedly into THE research topic that interests me most [P.S. this condition, in me, had been diagnosed some 7-8 years back, n I am yet to satiate this little inquisitive lump in me that I’d been quelling all this time]. Man….am I happy!
Research is fun n it’s a challenge when you embrace it officially. It’s like getting married to someone you never had known before….n now that it’s official you’d have to strive to make the best out of it. If you succeed, the fruits are all yours n if you don’t…..u’re dead meat! ;)
The fun part of doing research is that u’re workin on a topic that inetersts u most; what’s funner - is that when u’re tryin to quench this interesting interest in u, u find urself getting into some kinda ‘chakra-vyuh’ studded with more interesting stuff. The way out is to stay focused (ofcourse u can designate some of those interesting encounters as ur future quest topics) n to look at the whole thing as some kinda jig-saw puzzle – fit the right pieces together, n EUREKA u have urself enlightened with the solution. Ahh…..now comes the funnest part of researchhood: u’re in a happy trance - completely satisfied - sometimes jeopardized - but that only loops u deeper into resarch - further tanced, it’s some kinda viscous intoxication….marijuana? whatever…..but it’s absolute fun; n the best part is that people don’t shun u for ur intoxication….haha…..they just admire u……Nuts!
Haha……try it folks…..research is the best thing u could do to allay ur wandering intellect, forget ur fears, bid adieu to ur tears, & earn a ransom in pennies n Crowns!
sweet and luring and more than that - inspiring. I guess, I'll keep reading this post, and specially the fun - funner - funnest past of this post, to keep enjoying research and to keep on the track :)
P.S. - this one is so good that parts of this post should be on FPM NB for all to get enlightened.
thanks sid
I took my first lecture of Research Methodology today and for the whole time, I missed not having parts of this post in my talk. Read it again just now and perhaps, in the coming lectures, I'll definitely draw insights from here. Must say this post underlines the experience of and expectations from research in a very subtle yet effective way...
And fikar not - I'll acknowledge the original author too :P
i am trying getting into the same..
so thnks for an insight.!
@ walked away...a memoir: i'm happy that you liked it!
research is a wonderful experience...believe me :)
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