The best brains of the world were riding the bling of working at the fancy designer back-office. Floating on this back-office bubble since the late 1990’s, we were wrenching and writhing our brains in shuffling and reshuffling papers and trading them between pockets. A whopping 200,000+ work at present in the securities industry, in the NY state alone. What we desperately need at all times (not just at times like today) is a fair delegation of our grays (young and old) amongst both back and front offices. Engineers, entrepreneurs, VCs, …. we need them all: synchronized and complementing each other, in every heave with the macro-tunes. In following the lust for the mint, we had lost focus from the invincible laws of sustenance: ‘Create AND Manage’; we were all hogging at the latter. As an article in Wall Street Journal signed out today…. “The market has indeed spoken……It’s time to get back to work. Real Work”.
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