"We understand the concerns of member countries here for participation in CWG, but the situation is under control," says OC General Secretary Lalit Bhanot.
So that big giant bridge collapsing like a Godzilla, on 23 workers, was what - A freak show? Or hadn’t we grabbed enough attention already with (well…let me bullet point them…there are so many)
• Attacks near the gorgeous tourist destination Jama Masjid – this was such a great occasion to advertise India as one of the best tourist destinations in the World. It so is! But, naah ….. they’ll come down with their guns alright and shoot from their goddamned a***s! arggghhhhhh ….. it makes me so angry!
• Dengue – now it’s not them….it’s us. Boy are we filthy? Whose job is it? Just the municipality guys? Or is the CWG OC supposed to clean up behind us every time we cross some place… spitting and littering, n … yeah you name it! Not just any place, even at coveted places this is a phenomenon, and when I try to tell them “Sir, please don’t spit (or litter)” I get that weird stare “are you new around this place?” “yeah, I am! And I’ll make you history if you don’t learn how to behave”, I mutter to myself in disgust, and say “Please don’t litter Sir! It’s not hygienic, n neither pretty, n it’s not really that inconvenient to use the bins lined up right beside you”.
• Filthy and shameful standards of hygiene in the village – so much so that in addition to the crazy frowns we were slapped with an embarrassing clean-up deadline by the CWG authorities. C’mon! And to top it all Mr. Bhanot actually said this “Everyone has different standards about cleanliness. The Westerners have different standards, we have different ones”. I mean c’mon!!
• & then monsoons might mess up the opening ceremony of the CWG 2010 in Delhi! Well, what can be done? Let’s blame the Gods for this.
• Lax in security? Mike Duffy of Seven News (Auatralia’s Channel 7) easily entered the Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium with a huge (and strange looking) suitcase full of crude explosives. Wow! But the OC spokesmen said that the test was not done during a security lockdown. Had it been done then, this wouldn’t have happened. So the whole thing is bogus! Well, let’s give you the benefit of doubt this time. But the phenomenon is not quite uncommon in our country - don’t know where else, but definitely not here (http://bellsofdervish.blogspot.com/2008/11/reply-to.html)
Let’s forget the unfinished painting bits, and the wiring and plumbing jobs for some time. Yeah, that’s going to be a wreck too unless we’re planning to hire a magician or two at the last hour, so that the hurried job ends up delivering. We have less than 2 weeks before the opening day and there’s an utter mess around the CWG 2010 event. I wish we could’ve used this to portray a strong political statement about our country. I salute China for pulling off the Beijing Olympics with such élan. Corruption breeds persistent habits you see, and even in an event as grand as this, we ate our hands off feeding ourselves those tainted alms; stealing people’s money! Who’d have thought that that silly bridge would collapse at a spot so difficult to cover for? Hard luck, huh?
Whatever! I have stopped hoping for any +ve externality for the country from CWG now. Seriously, can’t manage it! Then don’t take it! Why taint the face for the country in front of the whole world. I am embarrassed.
Photo courtesy: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/d83cb93c-c53f-11df-9563-00144feab49a.html?ftcamp=rss
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