Sunday, December 7, 2008

Reflections .......

5 years ago I a mess. Had no time to think about my studies. Dad was sick, and all we wanted was to get him back and be happy!

5 months ago I was.... all over the place with my dissertation. I was working on designing my experiments that was kind of getting into the final mould

5 hours ago I was...enjoying a happy dinner at CT :)

5 minutes ago I was...replying to a dbab msg from a junior

5 things on my to-do list profs n discuss my work, finish revision of the proposal submission, talk to VVR, meet MICA students and guide them on the remaining work with ad designs, and Exercise!

5 things I would do if I became a billionaire... buy a pretty house for us, save up a bit for the future, build an animal care farm and hospital, buy a BMW Sedan, build a swimming pool for us :)

5 of my bad habits.... procrastination, am overtly finicky about my loved ones, love being pampered by my loved ones, love chocolates so much that I have a bar everyday :p , irregular sleep hours 5 good memories... my childhood spent with bro and parents, school days, stage shows in dance and music, day when I got call from IIMA, and happy times spent with my best friends – Banani, Rosy, BU gang, and Jhalbagan playmates :)

5 films/TV shows that I watch over and over again... Friends, Sholay, Mr. India, Baby’s Day Out, and Gone with the Wind

5 places I've loved and can revisit... Jhalbagan (where I grew up with my childhood buddies), my School (A.G. Church, Asansol), Kanya Kumari in Tamilnadu, IITD, and Ranigunj

5 activities I love... Music, Dance, Reading and Research along my interest areas, Writing, and Cooking

5 things most people don't know about me... that I freak out at the thought that I’ll grow fat again :p , I am absolutely obsessed with the thought of being famous and successful in academics and music, …. That was 2 together,3 in all!!..... I love to eat (good stuff), and I am a big fan of some of my teachers and never want to go away from them :)

5 weird wishes/ fantasies…. I wish I didn’t need sleep….that’d save so much time, I wish I could read and work all day (not getting tired), I wish I could remember all the stuffs that I read and worked on, I wish I could meet John Nash, JDC Little, Dilip Abreu, and APJ Abdul Kalam and work with them, I wish I was a famous singer and dancer

5 things that I’m senti about….. mom, dad, bhai, best pals, and my aims and inspirations

5 things that inspire me….. Work done by great people (Nash, Little, Chakravarti, etc.), Lifestyles that some of my idols maintain (DT, APJ Abdul Kalam), Sujoy Sir’s encouraging discussions and pep talks, Discussions with my parents, bro, and best pal, and my Ultimate ambitions and wishes

5 books I love to death... Dockner, Long, etc.’s Differential Games in Eco and Mgmt Sc., Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind + Ripley’s Scarlett, Ken Follet’s Jackdaws, Tirole’s Industrial Organization, and Goon, Gupta, Dasgupta’s Outline of Stat. Theory

5 things I love to eat... Chocolates (the darker the better), Salads, Fruits (esp. Kiwi fruits, plums, oranges, apples, pear, papaya, …… Godddd..u name them!!), fish, and coolers (ice candies included)

5 destinations I'm dying to see... Australia, Kashmir, My brother’s place (now), U.K., and Niagra falls (bro keeps praising this one….he’s been there thrice already)

5 scents I love... food that mom cooks, scent of my Dad, roses, scent of fresh rain after dry summers, and dark chocolates

5 things I want to do before I die (my Bucket List)….. publish is ace journals in my field, be a famous singer (at least one hit album :p ), learn French Ballet, perform a fusion no. at least once in front of a huge live audience, and be absolutely satisfied with the way that I’ve spent my life - before I shed my last breath :)