Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wishing the World a Very Cheerful 2011

I'm wishing for a year that's happy and peaceful.....sans needless worries, sans gloomy newspapers. Give me hard feedback... I'll be open to those (well, I didn't have much choice here.... but at least that's fair). Spare me the political vendetta washed out on the innocent, spare me the pompous and ridiculously 'neither here nor there' deals, spare me all that's mere fluff.

The year carries BIG dreams and promises for us :) Tons of effort to precede that - for sure - when did we ever get free stuffs? But I'm looking forward to a year when we'll fly through with dignity and good work. Amen!

Well, so today I started the day off with my work - prepping for my next 5 lectures. That's fun :) Then there came in some blasts from the past and I wanted to shed it all off. Wanted to cheer me up. Chocolates.... where art thou?

Yeah I have some cocoa powder in the house, but in no mood for the easy stuff, hot chocolate shake..... yukk....

I felt like a RRRRIICCHHHHH chocolatey cake :) The thought made me happy. But what about dad? He hates those :p
So le'me bake 2 - one my style ;) & the other his (sweeter & non-cocoa)

Since, there's going to be two of them.... I got into my crazy experiment mode..... make the chocolate flavour richer than ever before. Mom said.... "no - no"..... But I kinda believed that this would work. How could chocolate taste bad.... the way it works with chocs is "more is better"..... our petty eco fundae :)

So put flour n cocoa 1/2 n 1/2 and I got this yummy sizzling choco-cake, rich, and yummm :)

God... it's delicious :p Am at it right now.
& to top it.... Dad likes the one that was baked for him :) yay!
So thus begins my new year..... I know there are going to be challenges, some lulls from stingy sides too..... but we'll all succeed in the end.
We'll all have a Happy 2011!